Tea Brewing Guide: Your Guide to the Perfect Cup

Let's get into the nitty-gritty of crafting that perfect cup. Here's your no-fuss checklist:

1. Fresh water
2. Your trusty tea infuser or teapot
3. Timer
4. Tea

Step 1: The Water Game

Start your tea journey by getting that water all warmed up to the right temperature for your chosen tea. Keep in mind, each tea's specific about its heat, so check the brew guides for the info.

Step 2: Weigh Your Tea

While the water's doing its thing, measure out your tea leaves for the brew. Usually, you're looking at 2-3 grams of tea per 200 ml of water. But, if you want to tweak it, go for it.

Step 3: Prep the Infuser

Pop those measured tea leaves into your trusty infuser or teapot, ready for them to do their magic.

Step 4: Let's Brew

Once your water's rocking the ideal temp, pour it gently over your tea leaves in the teapot or over infuser. Pop a lid on or throw a saucer over your cup to keep the warmth in.

Step 5: Time to Steep

Set that timer according to what your tea needs. It can be anywhere from 1-4 minutes. Check out the tea guide for the lowdown.

Step 6: Watch the Magic

While the tea's brewing, keep an eye on the colour and aroma. The leaves will work their flavour magic, giving off those tasty scents.

Step 7: Taste and Tweak

When the steeping's all done, carefully remove the infuser or pour the tea into your cup. Take a sip and make it your own by adjusting the steeping time or tea amount.

Step 8: Sip and Enjoy

Now's the moment of truth. Take that first sip and savour the unique flavours of your brew. Whether it's a cozy herbal blend or a bold black tea, make every cup a great experience.


Feel free to make this guide your own by tweaking the tea grams and steeping time to match your tea's personality. It's here to help you brew a fantastic cup, no matter what kind of tea you're enjoying.